Our operation is running as normal throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, however paper deliveries may be slightly longer than usual.

About Kennel Registration™

Kennel Registration believes in the natural evolution of all dog breeds. We believe it is essential to support Mother Nature’s process of natural selection.

Our philosophy is natural breeding - free from man-made breed standards - inspired by Charles Darwin's well-known Theory Of Evolution.

We will continue to encourage variation to flourish. We are true believers a puppy should be born - not to conform & perform - but to live and be loved.

Kennel Registration supports natural growth. We are proud ambassadors of all healthy dogs.

"Dear Customers,

I would like to thank all of our Kennel Registration members for the continued success and growth of our organisation.

I would like to give special praise to everyone involved in our Verified Pedigree Programme (VPP) for their dedication and commitment in producing such wonderfully healthy puppies, all of which are so incredibly beautiful.

I would especially like to take the opportunity to congratulate all of our breeders for their immense passion and love for the canine breed, without whom, the continuation of breeds with such strong, healthy bloodlines would surely diminish. Health is an amazing triumph,

The Kennel Reg Team"